Thursday, May 19, 2011

7 Keys to Winning More Business in Today's Market

The primary challenge of developing or optimizing an automated business development and capture management process relates to people, not technology. However, overcoming cultural resistance is easier by following these steps.
  1. Think big pictureBusiness development is everyone’s responsibility “Employees, no matter their role, ought always to be thinking about how the company can provide greater value and looking for customer pain points.”
  2. Take the lead. That culture needs to start with top executives, who need to take the opportunity to understand their business capture capabilities and gaps, keep a hand in the development of a good process and pound the pulpit on business development.
  3. Know thyself. Many employees are subject-matter experts in their own narrow subjects. To get better at identifying business opportunities, companies should train employees on all of the core capabilities of the company and how they work in tandem to provide value to potential customers.
  4. Know your customer. By the same token, employees should be encouraged to understand the vision, mission and tasks of customers and potential customers.
  5. Simplify whenever possible. Require the minimum number of steps to be effective.
  6. Accept help. When possible, companies should consider investing in dedicated resources to manage the business development process.
  7. Train, train, train. Whatever tools are chosen, whether commercial, customized or homegrown, employees — across the enterprise, from top executives to administrative staff members — need to be educated on how to use them in the context of the company’s individual business development process.

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