Monday, September 26, 2011

The End of Year Spending

The end-of-year spending spree, a time-honored tradition in the federal government, appears to show no sign of abating.
Although in theory agencies take a more strategic approach to information technology spending than they did, say, a decade ago, most still end the fiscal with a flurry spending in effort to use the last of their appropriated funds. As always, they fear having their budgets reduced in the next fiscal year if they do not use all the money available in the current one. In other words, use or lose it.
The End of the fiscal year is not as close as many would be expecting, normally the end of the fiscal year will be September 30th, midnight. What this mean is all agencies must spend their budget prior to midnight September 30th. As I’ve continued to share with you, spending nearly 600B in 5 months is just about impossible. Recently the House voted early Friday 219-203 to pass a continuing resolution that funds the government through Nov. 18, setting up a battle with the Democratic-controlled Senate.

Continue to position your companies for ongoing fiscal year 2011 spending at least through Nov. 18.  

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