Monday Morning Contracting Tip
I know it’s been a while since you have received a Monday Morning Contracting Tip, but how many of you know that it is important to conduct the proper research to establish the best Business Development Strategy for the upcoming year? 2014 is around the corner, what government agency do you plan to do business with? If you know what’s going to happen before it happens, it puts you in a better position for success.
I know it’s been a while since you have received a Monday Morning Contracting Tip, but how many of you know that it is important to conduct the proper research to establish the best Business Development Strategy for the upcoming year? 2014 is around the corner, what government agency do you plan to do business with? If you know what’s going to happen before it happens, it puts you in a better position for success.
At the beginning of each federal
fiscal year there are several federal government search companies who identifies
and assesses the top 20 federal contract opportunities for the coming year.
The information in this Monday
Morning Contracting Tip identifies those 20 high profile procurements to reveal
key trends and patterns in those procurements versus prior years, which assist should
assist you in your business development strategy.
The FY 2014 Top 20 list includes
$160.7billion in total contract value consisting of prime contract
opportunities from a variety of agencies and industry segments.
The FY 2014 Top 20 Federal Opportunities
represent $160.7billion in total contract value, a rebound from the $92.2
billion total contract value of last year’s top opportunities, which was the lowest
total value since the research company began publishing the annual report in
2006. FY 2014 is more in-line with, somewhat higher than, what we saw in FY
2011 and FY 2012, where the values were $142 billion and $148.5 billion,
· Consistent with historical trends, Defense opportunities constitute
the majority of this year’s list, totaling $118billion. The
Army dominates with 57 percent of FY 2014 top opportunities’ total contract
value. Of the eight Army opportunities featured, three are the top valued
opportunities this year.
· If we were to characterize last year ’s top opportunities as
the year of the Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC), where high dollar
value contracts like NASA’s SEWP V, GSA’s OASIS, and HHS’s CIO-CS were
featured, then FY 2014 is the year of the agency-specific IDIQ follow-on. Follow-on
contracts account for 81percent of the total contract value in FY 2014 and more
than half of the opportunities are agency-specific IDIQs.
· Professional services opportunities, with $73.2 billion total
contract value, top the list with a slightly higher total than the $73billion
in IT opportunities. IT opportunities account 45percent of the total contract
value for FY 2014, driven by large IDIQs like the Army’s S32G ($30B) and ITES-3S
CHESS ($25B), HHS’s CIO-CS ($20B), and Defense’s E-SITE ($6B)
Of the FY 2014 top 20 federal
opportunities, seven are associated with civilian departments and agencies. The
combined value of the seven civilian opportunities is $42.6 billion and
represents 27 percent of this year’s top 20 opportunities total contract value.
This represents a nearly $7 billion increase over FY 2013’s combined civilian
value of $35.8 billion.
Clever Construction Company