Tuesday, June 21, 2011

5 Steps to Sharpening your Marketing Strategy

Targeting your market efforts to specific audience is critical to success, as we approach the end of fiscal 2010, targeting your marketing efforts to specific audiences and opportunities becomes even more important. The information provided starts a “checklist” that will continue in future Monday Morning Contracting Tips...
Checklist item 1: For several years I have recommended focusing on one or two agencies to grow your government business. Even if you have been in the market for a while, maximizing the value of one agency before moving to a new one is important. If you are focusing on specific agencies, there is some homework for sales, marketing and business development staff. Agency homework includes:
Get agency and office organization charts – know the food chain
-The organization charts allow you to see your agency’s entry point (initial customer or prospect), where he or she is in the management food chain, and determine who else might be involved in the buying decision process. It also provides a “bigger picture” as to how your agency penetration strategy is working and identifies other offices.
 Obtain and read the agency budget filings to see where the money is likely to be spent

-The agency filings allow you to see where it wants to spend available funds
 Ask your contacts for referrals

-Asking your current customers for referrals seems obvious, but it does not happen as often as it should.  Asking for referrals should be a part of the normal sales process
Ensure that you request the proper individuals, (executives, engineers, etc.) for meetings

-Issues that require technical staff involvement make sure they are there

Check for any agency events coming up; you need face time

-When selected properly events are always important as they provide more opportunities for face-to-face contact. In-house agency events and other agency-specific activities are beneficial for growing your business.

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